- Sadly, the dancing will not be happening. Rumor is that the HL3 trademark listing is bogus.
- SMT4, it’s a game.
- Oh, this Red Cross bit. Yeah, including war crimes in games just sounds like another bit of red tape for hyper-unrealistic worlds to conform to. By the logic of the Geneva Convention, faction warfare (where one ethnicity of humanoids battles another over control of a bit of space) in the game EVE Online is practically genocide and should have repercussions for the players involved. Yeah, this is going somewhere.
- SimCity is going to add modding? I thought Maxis was already happy that their title has already been shat on by the collective gaming community and gaming media for the sake of progress.
- I don’t get how many people get motion sickness from the slightest discontinuity from your body and a display sitting three inches from your eye. I haven’t had the chance to use VR goggles like the Oculus Rift before, but I don’t see what the problem is. Also considering that iOS 7’s minuscule parallaxing feature is causing motion sickness, I wonder if it’s not just a genetic thing.
- Eidos is relevant… how?
- Obvious point about trademark registration is obvious.
- Mighty No 9 = MegaMan. DUH.
Tag Archives: simcity
Here’s what I learned from CheckPoint S3E15.
A later than usual post. Hadn’t gotten around to actually watching CheckPoint until my lunch break, today. Another post coming this evening regarding some esports business news.
- Of course all we’ll be talking about is GTA V. This is expected.
- That opening is excellent, Graham. Kathleen’s troll is effective, though.
- Wii U game? PASS.
- Man, the Ouya news is something I could just care less about. Sure, they’re pretty new at the whole Android-based console world thing, but at least they’ve fixed the mistake and it only took three bad eggs to spoil what could’ve been a massively abused loophole in indie-game funding. Even so, I still can’t bring myself to spend any more time on an Android console than I already do. It’s called my Nexus 4. It also doubles as a phone. It’s pretty damn impressive, if I’m honest.
- I’ve used the iFruit app on my iPad at home and I have to say, it’s definitely a fun little toy. It’s also nice to have cars ordered for you that are already upgraded and appear without the whole difficulty of finding a decent car to steal and spending time and money liberating it and upgrading it in the game. Once you’ve done it for each character, however, that part of the functionality ceases to be useful. Chop makes up for this shortfall, even though the minigames you play with the dog to increase his skill are a bit hectic and not very smooth.
- Atlas is bailed out by Sega. I’m with Kathleen on this one: Sega’s history points towards destroying most franchises it absorbs by mashing them up with each other. I hope they let Atlas keep making RPGs.
- “Madden games: I may not play you, but I respect you.” It’s too bad all of that attention to detail couldn’t be put towards other EA titles.
- Kathleen and knives? It’s Paul’s fault. I can accept that.
- SimCity is still trying rip players off? Oh Maxis. How far you have fallen.
Is it over for SimCity? Almost.
Kotaku just published a great summary article detailing the entire debacle around the SimCity release. It’s more concise then anything I could write, but then again, I’m not exactly the games journalist here. I’m just posting random opinions and stuff.
As I mentioned in the last post, I figured that EA would definitely be fixing the situation, but the questionable bit was how favorable the game would be viewed over the long term.
Unfortunately, Maxis has a habit of allowing managers to answer questions as if they are complete robots with zero capacity for sympathy. The bit about allowing PC gamers to have one of eight EA published games is pretty cool, though.
Let’s revisit this bad launch in about six months to see where everything is at.