Blizzard pulls a Riot in Korea; Slasher makes a deal.

Nine o’clock rolled around last night and I fired up the LiveOnThree stream, as I had set an alarm to remind me to stop what I was doing and sit down to watch some esports history. Fingers crossed, I watched the start of the show. iNcontroL was brought in as a guest host and was a fairly cool customer for the opening segment. He might be a fan of other esports, but he knew he was there because of the Blizzard announcement and he kept his cool. For anything that followed, no one can blame him for anything.

Meanwhile, Slasher explains some of the other news that the show covers in its first forty-five minutes. Everything is fairly standard at this point and the ravenous crowd in the chat is waiting with bated breath for any SC2 news to come out of that Blizzard press conference.

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