Over three hundred posts and one opinion.

I’ve been sitting on a few posts for the blog for awhile now, and I wasn’t sure what to write about, so I decided to throw about five different posts against the wall to see if any of them stuck.

In what roughly equates to a month of time, I have made posts ranging from EVE Online corporation management and opinion to random goings on with my first thoughts of PlanetSide 2 since the NDA had been lifted and the nagging feeling that not having a proper go at Windows 8 running on a native PC instead of in a virtualized environment. However, I think I’ve had the inspiration finally hit me about what to publish.

App.net (ADN) is a social network made in light of the mistakes that the other, mainstream networks have made in the name of profitability. Twitter is more of a direct competitor when you look at how the service works and what it’s designed to do, but philosophically, ADN is positioned to be its own monster.

Twitter’s recent tirade against developers, even to the point where businesses are being shut down by Twitter’s iron fist to become profitable as a public company, has drawn a lot of flak from the tech press, who are all pretty stuck on the service. With developers being limited to a certain ceiling of users (without the potentially expensive blessing of Twitter).

I think that ADN has a chance to remind the industry that service clones can be successful, even if ADN never reaches the numbers that Twitter does in the same amount of time. The fact that Dalton Caldwell founded a service in rebuttal of corporate powers such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. (Okay, so the third isn’t really a competitor, but it’s just a big network.)

I recently met up with Dalton and a majority of teh ADN crew along with users who could make it out to a pub near Half Moon Bay in California. Users were all upbeat about the potential that the service had, even if most of them considered themselves programmers who planned on using the API behind ADN at some point int he future. The few non-programmers in attendance still praised ADN for its potential success in extending Twitter in the right directions while establishing their own service with their own goals.

Shunning Twitter for how it has surrounded itself with questions about its future shouldn’t be the reason you join ADN, though. There is a pretty vibrant community of chronic early adopters who are on the ground floor and contributing in a big way, though they don’t know a bit of code. That the whole $50 pay-to-play thing does wonders about keeping spammers and annoying marketers.

Currently, the weak point about using the service is the fact that… you have to pay $50 to use it.

But that’s not really that big of a deal when you think about it. I pay more than $50 a year to host this blog, mainly because I think that having control over what shows up and how everything is designed here is important. Using a different product because you believe in what the product stands for or represents is part of that idea, in a way. Or something like that.

If you’re bored of Twitter and want to give your microblogging habit a bit of a gutcheck of sorts, give ADN a try. You can follow me at alpha.app.net/bcarr.

Did you RSVP for Facebook’s NASDAQ arrival party?

I didn’t, but that’s probably because I have a few other priorities than simply throwing hundreds of dollars at something that could follow the trend of other Web 2.0/2.5 companies that have shown significant declines since their respective IPOs.

While listening to This Week in Tech 1  last night, I heard an interesting factoid about the upcoming release of millions of shares on the public NASDAQ stock market: that while Google’s stock price and value represents about five times its revenue, Facebook will be releasing enough stock near 20-25 times its revenue, even if it prices its first commitment between $28 and $35 2 as reports suggest.

I don’t claim to know the inner-workings of any stock market, much less the NASDAQ, but I can’t see how Facebook can get away with raising their prices that high compared to their value—essentially a forecast of their revenue. Facebook isn’t completely monetizing what it can on its service, and that’s fine with me. When I log into Facebook, I can’t help but take a look at the right side bar and just be disappointed with all the ads that I see on it. Nothing interests me, and they could be advertisements for anything, regardless of what terms I have in my profile for interests and other information. Regardless of how clueless I am to Facebook’s means to control their destiny, it doesn’t necessarily means that I’m the target market, so to speak.

Mobile has been a particular loophole for Facebook’s ad-serving revenue model services for a while, now and it seems that people have wised up to it. The company even had to amend the S-1 paperwork in such a way to communicate that while the prospects for growing the active user number is favorable, increasing the audience for its ads will not grow on the same track thanks to its lack of ads on its mobile services. 3

TWiT panelists went on to theory craft about why Facebook and other systems like BBM, iMessage and even email have been the disrupting force in mobile as of late, leaving cellular providers with little alternative than to jack up data plan rates to make up for SMS texting plans not being the revenue generating behemoth that they used to be in the United States. I think the mobile increase is also attributable to a more basic wish that users of Facebook know they won’t have to deal with ads and irrelevancy while on the mobile platform for the social network.

I can find no ads in its mobile website. Why would I need to update my profile using the normal web version of Facebook?

Even though it’s more than likely that loopholes similar to its lack of mobile ad monetization will be sticking points for few Facebook investors willing to throw around hundreds to thousands of dollars wanting to be on the Facebook IPO rally this Friday, the overwhelming amount of reports and signs suggest that Facebook will have a great day raising funds and being justified in its valuation of $11 billion. That’s fine and more power to them.

I just wish that Facebook never became as popular and successful as it was. Not that I ever developed a competing product or anything of the nature, but I do think that we would have a few less annoying ‘innovations’ as a result of their development.

  1. TWiT is one of the few podcasts I listen to. You can find it at TWiT.tv.
  2. Here’s a report from AllFacebook.com talking about $FB’s initial public offering pricing.
  3. Forbes has a pretty good write up of the S-1 changes and the company’s risk in the mobile space.