Medium’s iOS development team sure does know what users want to see. I mean, write me a song and I’ll scroll on down to keep reading what you’ve written.
The bigger picture here? Medium’s iOS client now allows its users to do something that most blog services would have included in their app from the get-go: write posts. I’ve been looking forward to thus update, as being able to manage a blog from my iPhone is part of what I’m looking for in a blog platform–something that WordPress has solidly allowed me to do for quite awhile now. This Medium update ticks that box, and promotes it from a “once in a blue moon” option to a legitimate contender for my attention.
I’m all for that. Even if, ultimately, I end up only cross-posting ~serious~ posts in the future, I think the Medium client is a huge step forward for the service. In an age where Twitlonger is still the preferred vector for longer-than-a-tweet posts, Medium should thrive the Twitlonger service eventually becomes disliked for serving ads.