Blizzard pulls a Riot in Korea; Slasher makes a deal.

Nine o’clock rolled around last night and I fired up the LiveOnThree stream, as I had set an alarm to remind me to stop what I was doing and sit down to watch some esports history. Fingers crossed, I watched the start of the show. iNcontroL was brought in as a guest host and was a fairly cool customer for the opening segment. He might be a fan of other esports, but he knew he was there because of the Blizzard announcement and he kept his cool. For anything that followed, no one can blame him for anything.

Meanwhile, Slasher explains some of the other news that the show covers in its first forty-five minutes. Everything is fairly standard at this point and the ravenous crowd in the chat is waiting with bated breath for any SC2 news to come out of that Blizzard press conference.

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Blizzard could live stream their announcement from Korea… but giving the international public all the information? There’s no need.

Now, I’m not going to pre-judge how badly the LiveonThree stream is going to be with regards to handling the information that will come out of the Blizzard press event tomorrow morning Korean time, but Blizzard’s dropping the ball on producing the announcement for an international audience really just comes down to one of two things:

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April Fools’ Day can go die in a fire.

’nuff said.

Yes, there are plenty of creative and PR firms looking to publish their jokes to their respective industry insiders who give a shit about [insert industry here], but I’m just not amused about anything related to this day. Most of the jokes are bad, and most of the real news gets bogged down.

But you knew that, already.

Posts coming about this week include part one in a series about a play-through of the Mass Effect Trilogy and the foundation about moving back to hi-sec in EVE Online. The former is a synopsis about the first in the series while the latter explains why I’m done with null-sec life now that the alliance I was in had been evicted and moved out to CFC space. (Nothing against Goons, but I just can’t dedicate my gaming time to playing in a serious business alliance.)