Weekend summary rant for the #illuminati Slack: for 26 January 2015.

I’m not sure why I ranted the way that I did, but I can attribute the spark for this series of rants to a #profellow posting a link to a DailyDot story about the new flags in the LCS studio. The rest, is history nonsense.

what they should do is get a better live producer so they can yell at their camera operators for getting shit shots all of the fucking time and their stage manager for not framing the TV stage properly to the rest of the fucking arena
I was expecting to be astounded at riot’s production
holy shit, that PTL show is basically sportscenter with one too many opinionated morons
i mean, sjokz, or however you spell her handle, is the most professional personality they had on PTL and she got fucking trampled by the two other guys circlejerking their opinions and killing the flow of the broadcast

also, LEL MLG trying as hard as they could to bring cod coverage style to csgo
they could have piped in more of the in-game comms but probably didn’t because they weren’t in english
fucking morons
fifflooorin wasn’t the worst combo to throw it out to, though
and one of the casters had a burr up his ass the whole time trying to correct the analysts
adding eliminated competitors to the casting for the later stages of the tournament was a nice touch though

also i finished dragon age inquisition this weekend, played through as a male warrior hit level 22 after 85 hours, with the templars and exiling the gray wardens, and the ending WAS A CATERED, FANCY GODDAMN PARTY IN MY CASTLE

also boo hoo cbble is an official map according to valve

Yeah, there was a lapse of activity here right after I promised a lot of activity here. Turns out my mind was considerably less vacant and available for freeform brainstorming and thinking than I thought it was—and for no reason. So now that I’ve sorted that out, time to get back on the writing train like I promised myself around the new year.

Fuck sleep. Bring back the long nights.

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