The second most popular game on Twitch last week was Diablo 2? Standard, since the only folks playing Diablo 3 anywhere near normal as it should be are on now-last-generation consoles. Nice job there, Blizzard.
Square Enix iOS title pricing joke aside, Rovio’s incessant push towards monetizing every single aspect of their Angry Birds related games (and every other game they release) is starting to really push me away from ever seriously considering future mobile titles that are priced as ‘free’ in their respective stores. At least with most of Square Enix’s titles, I know what I am paying for ahead of time because they’re simply porting their products they’ve already ported to other less popular platforms, like the Nintendo 3DS or the Playstation Vita.
It’s not a huge secret that development on the next title begins after shipping the game that your development house has been working on, and it’s definitely the case in the dynasty that is Gran Turismo. GT6 wasn’t a launch title for the Playstation 4, but that’s being addressed with its release this week. Forza never really held much of a candle to GT’s extreme simulation of everything car-related, but it was a title that Xbox One users picked up at launch. GT6 will certainly see success, but how long will it be until PS4 early adopters head back to their local game store, pull out their wallets and buy a new game? A fair question, I think.
Twitch integration has come to Minecraft. I’d have rather that Notch had been working on 0x10c instead, but I understand that subjecting the masses of Minecraft players to Twitch broadcasting while trying to run Minecraft in a stable fashion comes second to revenue generation.
Putting cameras in an average person’s living room with a microphone didn’t yield a second thought because of all of the marketing research potential that could be gathered from their players, but they didn’t realize that a camera pointing at a player could mean dicks on the Internet? Clearly, Sony hasn’t thought through the consequences of a player-facing camera as Twitch has decided that it would rather not list the PS4 Playroom as a title on their service, but what is MSFT going to do when this same situation affects them due to horribly, average Xbox One users?
Localization mixing as DLC isn’t exactly a new thing, but I suppose that Square Enix getting behind it makes the whole thing newsworthy. I’d buy the pack, but I still have to finish FFXIII, purchase and finish FFXIII-2 and then purchase FFXIII-3 before the optional patch becomes even remotely relevant to me.
That answer is easy, Graham: it’s FFVIII. Emo kids run about with swords that are also guns doing wire-fu maneuvers in order to save the world while playing random card mini-games and lamenting about not being in a relationship or something like that. What’s so hard to understand about that? It’s not so simple like the balance of the world has been destroyed and a party fights to correct it, yet I’m fairly sure I’ve got it nailed down in one run-on sentence.
GTA: San Andreas is the logical next step for Rockstar’s mobile gaming / porting strategy. Even though the controls aren’t really the greatest, all of their titles play flawlessly on iOS and Android. Can’t wait to not replay GTA:SA.
Wasn’t Titanfall supposed to not see a PS4 release by design? Oh well. Graham will surely give us a reason to fear that it never will soon enough.
Whoa, Kathleen is particularly hyper this episode.
Jonathan Ross being hired by MSFT’s UK division as some sort of executive producer sure sounds like a good deal for the Brits and other Euro-folks, but I share Graham’s pessimism of the hiring. I know he’s a funny guy, but that doesn’t really translate into being a great inspiration for anything, much less video games.
The Command & Conquer cancellation. The end of a great IP.
Angry Birds: Star Wars on the PS4 or Xbox One for 40 USD? A new low.
Runescape developers JAGEX copies and implements a core aspect of EVE Online and finds rampant success in decimating the pirate gold community. Excellent.
EA promised that Titanfall would be MSFT-console exclusive thanks to publishing rights or something dumb where money was exchanged in order to reach an agreement screwing prospective PlayStation 4 owners.
Fill in that scene, Graham.
Sony playing it smart in some alternate business universe making some of their next generation games and accessories available before the actual console is officially launched. Anything new, here? NOPE.
Oh MadKatz. How no one gives a shit about your day-late-and-dollar-short Android box with an HDMI port in it.
Pokemon finally discovering the third D has been a pretty hot topic in gaming lately. Not that I would know because as much as I’ve wanted to really get up to speed with the Fire Emblem series, I just can’t bring myself to buy a Nintendo platform after they released such an underpowered console with the Wii U. I hear that it’s good… but I’ll stick with replaying Pokemon Red on my Game Boy Advance SP for nostalgia’s sake, thanks.
$35 USD to instantly reach the endgame of Everquest 2? Sony still runs the servers for this game?
Angry Birds ripping off Mario Kart? Pretty lame.
Development parties are all cutting edge and everything, but why do you need to gimmick the hell out of one to make it cool enough to entice folks to come along? It is taking folks from Chicago to San Francisco, which is fine, I suppose, but how many folks will be flying into Chicago and flying out of San Francisco for this event? Why even bother with the train ride? Make it a cruise for crying out loud.
The ticker for this segment is probably the most insightful bit of analysis wrapped in humor that’s actually true that could be said about Square Enix and their relationship with the legendarily popular Final Fantasy VII: “Does Squeenix just hate FFVII?” From all indications, the answer is yes.
Kickstarter in AUS/NZ is welcome, but Kathleen’s right. What’re the odds that any offerings from those two countries won’t be completely overpriced to outside markets out of spite? I’m guessing pretty slim.